Monday, September 29, 2008

A New Day

Well, its been a while since I last posted... lets see if i can get you updated.

June 1st, 2008, I became a very proud Aunt to my extreamly cute neice, Hayden Makennah. She was born healthy to her mommy and daddy. She is such a joy and brings so much excitement to our life.

Our family is growing and I love it.
I have started back to school again. This time with a clear goal, and a purpose behind my choices. I love working with children, and believe I have discovered a true passion I enjoy. Early Childhood Education, That is my major. I love working with young children, and I have been told that I am good at it. I think its because I'm not afraid to get dirty, and at times act like a child.

I have also been blessed with the chance to take another cruise with Chad. This time we sailed with Royal Caribbean, and went to Ochoa Rio, Jamaica; Haiti; Grand Cayman; and Cozumel, Mexico. It was such a blast. I will have to post more later.